Page 83 - Bellfort Magazine Issue 8
P. 83

In the Home Economics Department, we                                   The  Year  11  Occupational  Studies  class
          have had another busy year. Cookery is a                               have continued to enjoy learning about
          popular  part  of  our  subject  and    we                             the  physical  care  of  the  baby.    A
                                                                                 highlight  for  the  girls  was  when  a  new
                                                                                 born  arrived  to  class,  this  allowed  the
                                                                                 girls to see and hear first-hand about the
                                                                                 demands  of  being  a  mum.    The  girls
                                                                                 enjoyed seeing the baby and looking at
                                              their cookery skills.  The students had to  the  various  pieces  of  equipment  and
                                              select a number of dishes that included  clothes that are required.
                                              fruit  and  vegetables.    They  were  very

          encourage  students  to
          try new foods, but also
          promote  seasonal  and
          traditional  cookery  as

          well, such as snowballs
          at Christmas, Chocolate                                                Our  GCSE  Year  12  Child  Development
          treats for  Easter and of                                              class    also  had  a  new  mum  in  to  visit.
          course  pancakes  on                creative in their choices and successfully   This allowed the girls to get information
          pancake Tuesday.                    made  a  range  of  courses  that  were   about  feeding  a  baby  and  helped  them
                                              tastefully presented.              to complete their controlled assessment
          We  continue  to  promote  Breakfast
                                                                                 that was based on breast feeding.
          Week with each of the Year 8 -10 classes  The  GCSE  Hospitality  class  prepared  a
          cooking  a  breakfast  to  encourage  Christmas  themed  function.    This  three   Year  14  Health  and  Social  Care  students
          students to include this important meal  course meal was enjoyed by a selection   also  enjoyed  a  trip  to  Limavady
          each day.                           of staff, with some staff even requesting   Workhouse.    The  students  heard    about
                                              a copy of the recipe.              life  pre  NHS  and  were  also  able  to  see
          Our  Year  11  Occupational  Studies  Food
                                                                                 some of the conditions that people would
          Preparation classes enjoyed a visit from  The  students  took  on  the  roles  of
                                                                                 have  been  forced  to  call  home,  giving
          the  Livestock  Meat  Commission.    The  hospitality  staff,  preparing  and  serving
                                                                                 them  an  insight  into  various  topics
          LMC    carried   out   a   cookery  the food to guests to a high standard.
                                                                                 required for their exam unit.

                                                                                 The HE Department also took part in the
                                              Again  we  are  indebted  to  a  number  of  BEE  project.    This  project  encourages
                                              different  local  Nursery  and  Primary  students  and  their  parents  to  get  back
                                              School  settings  who  have  allowed  our  into  the  kitchen  and  make  meals
                                              Year  13  and  14  BTEC  Children's  Care  together.   The   participants   enjoyed
                                                                                 making  different  savoury  and  sweet
                                                                                 options each week.

          demonstration to encourage students to
          purchase  local  produce  and  also  talked
          about  the  nutritional  value  meat  has  in   Learning  and  Development  students  to
                                              spend time within their setting. The girls
          our  diet.    The  students  thoroughly
                                              were involved in a variety of activities
          enjoyed sampling the dishes.
                                              and thoroughly enjoyed their time with
          GCSE  Home  Economic  students  had
    82                                        the children.
          another  successful  year  demonstrating
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