Page 86 - Bellfort Magazine Issue 8
P. 86

There has been plenty going on in  dust  to  Northern  Ireland  too,

         the  world’s  news  to  capture  the  turning the sky an orange/ yellow
         attention     of    the     young  colour,  and  the  sun  a  red/orange
         geographers  in  Dunclug  in  the  appearance.
         2017/18 academic year.

                                                                                 have been  studying recent events

                                             Winds  up  to  71  mph  were  here with great interest.
         A  typical  geography  lesson  starts
                                             recorded  in  Orlock  Head,  County
         with  engaging  pupils  from  the
                                             Down, at the height of the storm.    The beautiful Big Island of Hawaii
         outset  by  looking  at  the  most
                                             Approximately 50,000 households     has had the media’s full attention
         recent  geographical  headline  in
                                             lost  power  in  Northern  Ireland.   since  Mount  Kilauea  erupted
         the news.
                                             Thankfully in school we heard no    spectacularly  on  the  4th  May
         One  of  the  first  notable  events   reports  of  any  injuries–  however   2018  . Residents  of  Hawaii  face  a
         which    impacted    directly   on   there  were  a  few  trampolines   new  threat  over  toxic  fumes
         Dunclug  students  was  the  arrival   missing!                         produced when molten rock flows
         of  ex-hurricane  Ophelia  on  16th                                     into  the  ocean.Two  lava  flows
         October  2017,  giving  us  an  PARADISE LOST?                          have reached the Pacific, creating
         unexpected 2 days off school! This   Our  Year  8  classes  have  been   thick  hazardous  clouds  known as
         was the second storm of the year,   learning about volcanoes and the    "laze".   The    clouds    contain

         following  Aileen  on  12  &13th  of   impacts they have on people. We   hydrochloric   acid   and    glass
         September.                          have  been  using  Hawaii  as  our   particles   which    can    cause

         The  full  force  of  the  storm  was  case study this year. We are used   irritation   and      breathing
         felt  in  the  Republic  of  Ireland  to seeing images of Hawaii as the   difficulties.
                                             picture perfect postcard location,
                                             a    regular  destination  chosen  by

                                             pupils when describing their ideal
                                             holiday  destination.  However  we

         where  three  people  were  killed,
                                                                                 Many Year 8 pupils were amazed
         and wind speeds of 119mph were                                          that  volcanoes  are  not  simply

         recorded  off  the  Cork  coastline–                                    dangerous  due  to  the  lava  they
         the  highest  ever  recorded  in                                        produce.  As we continue with our
         Ireland.                                                                studies  in  Year  8  we  will  keep  a

         Ophelia  brought  some  Saharan                                         close eye on events in the Pacific.   85
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