Page 84 - Bellfort Magazine Issue 8
P. 84
Young Medieval Engineers features. The Castles developed
designs which were created for
In June 2017 the History Depart-
defence and attack. The most in-
ment challenged Year 8 students
novative castles used a range of
to design and make a Medieval
materials and ideas, they devel-
Castle using their skills and
oped medieval features with an
added modern twist.
Our students studied a number of
significant historical events such
as World War 1, Ulster’s Solemn
League and Covenant, The Battle
of the Somme and the Easter Ris-
ing. All of these events are signifi-
cant as they are all part of our
shared history and their cen-
tenaries have either passed or are
yet to come.
knowledge from our unit of work
on the development of Medieval Many of the events are viewed by
Castles. Many students based their Castles many people in our society in
on the early Motte and Bailey Cas- different ways. Through shared
tles whereas others looked to the classes with St. Patrick’s college
later Concentric Castles for inspi- we looked at the challenges these
ration. centenaries bring.
Year 10 The group then investigated how
we can celebrate centenaries in a
Shared Education Signature
way which is inclusive of everyone
in society.
A group of 25 year 10 students
have had the opportunity to be
involved in the Shared Education
Signature project. The project was
based around the causes and con-
sequences of the partition of Ire-
land. We focussed on the topic of
‘Our decade of Centuries’ which
The results did not disappoint. involved a study of the attitudes
The young people developed Cas- of Unionists and Nationalists to
tles with many innovative design the Partition of Ireland.