Page 88 - Bellfort Magazine Issue 8
P. 88
In a practical session, girls were
introduced to two disability sports
–promoting the idea that sport is
inclusive and there is opportunity
for participation for everyone, re-
gardless of their talents and abili-
ties. Boccia was new to everyone
and was a game a little like bowls.
Wheelchair basketball was also
new, and allowed the girls to ex-
perience what it would be like to
be in a wheelchair, trying to ma-
noeuvre the chair whilst playing a
We are extremely proud of Year 9 In January we welcomed Sport NI
Ellie O’Melvena who participated and their ‘Girls into Sport’ initia-
in the US Kids Golf Tournament tive, the idea of which is to in-
age category 12-14. She achieved crease participation amongst
the following results in competi- teenage girls, whom studies show
tion: Ardglass placed 2 Sunday tend to reduce their amount of Athletics
15 April, Shandon Park placed 1 , physical activity in teenage years. As always , a good number of girls
Saturday 28 April, Allen Park The girls examined barriers to ex- participated in NEBSSA, with
placed 1 Sunday 6 May, Gal- ercise in workshops, then dis- Lowri Rennie securing a place in
gorm Castle placed 1 , Sunday cussed how to overcome those the finals along with Jodie Far-
13 May, Lurgan Golf Club placed barriers and be active as part of a quhar in shot , eventual medallist.
2 ,Sunday 20 May. healthy lifestyle.
Keeping her head for that series
of matches was no easy feat,
however these fantastic results
means that Ellie is US Kids Golf
Tournament Girls 12-14 Local Tour
Champion. She now progresses
to the World Championship to be
held in either Scotland or Califor-
nia—we think we know which
one she’d prefer! 87