Page 93 - Bellfort Magazine Issue 8
P. 93
For the European Day of Year 8
Languages, Year 8 pupils had the 1st Sophie Kirk
chance to take part in quizzes
2nd Floriane Vanden Broeck
about France and other European
3rd Michael Henry
4th Leah Todd
Year 9
1st Victoria McCosh
2nd Jessica Rodgers
3rd Bethany Service
4th Amy Francey
Year 10
1st Catherine McLarnon
friends and create French identity
cards. The next session will be 2nd Emily Sterritt
based on the European Day of 3rd Kathryn Peachey
Languages in September.
4th Stephen McCrudden
Félicitations also to Mrs McAllister
on the birth of her little boy in
February and we also thank Mrs
McConaghie for her work during
the maternity leave.
countries while Year 12 had the
opportunity to sample some The department has again
Spanish tapas.
planned another trip to Paris in
SESP Prize Day Winners October 2017
June 2019.
In April the French department KS3 Nicole Turtle
began a joint project involving a
group of our Year 8 pupils and a KS4 Jessica McKay
group from St. Patrick’s. Pupils
met Marianne from Nantes and
had the opportunity to make new
Years 8,9 and 10 took part in a Dunclug Modern Languages On
French poster competition where Twitter
they earned house points. Results
If you are on Twitter follow
as follows:
@sgorman612 for language
related tweets as well as revision
tips and useful recommendations.