Page 98 - Bellfort Magazine Issue 8
P. 98

FIFA Ulti-Maths Team

         The Maths department at Dunclug  these  comparisons  link  so  neatly  was,  rather  predictably, the  high-
         College decided to jump on-board  back  to  the  types  of  maths  they  est rated player on the team.

         the FIFA bandwagon this year, by  have been using in the classroom.
                                                                                 Mr Kelly was said to be rather dis-
         launching  our  own  Ulti-Maths  Pupils  had  the  opportunity  to  in-
                                                                                 appointed  with  his  statistics,  but
         team.  So  many  of  our  pupils  in- vestigate how mean, median and
                                                                                 he has had an injury-plagued sea-
         vest a lot of time in the computer  mode  could  be  applied  to  these
         game,  without  actually  realising  types  of  numbers.  The  FIFA  no-

         how much maths is involved. We  ticeboard became a great conver-
         used  the  data  to  provoke  discus- sation piece as pupils marvelled at
         sions  about  how  players  and  our  teacher  stats,  and  disputed
         teams can be compared, and how   many of the ratings!  Mr Crooks

   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101   102   103