Page 99 - Bellfort Magazine Issue 8
P. 99

Elections took place in September
         supervised by the Student leader-
         ship Team.  The successful candi-

         dates were presented in assembly
         and  then  began  the  real  work  of
         discussing  the  wide  variety  of  is-
         sues important to students!

         Items  under  discussion  this  year
         have  included  uniform  and  hair
         styles,  and  updating  students  on

         the new build.

         Students  were  asked  by  the  can-

         teen to make suggestions around
         what they would like to see intro-
         duced  at  lunch  time  —all  within
         the  parameters  of  the  govern-
         ment’s  healthy  eating  policy  of

         Student Council importantly  has a
         voice when it comes to students’
         learning,  and  Mrs  Wilson  joined
         Junior, Middle and Senior Councils
         to  discuss  the  introduction  of
         tracking  in  school,  explaining  the
         reasons  for  which  it  was  intro-

         duced  and  hearing  the  feedback
         from the student body.

         This term’s meetings will focus on
         rewards  and  the  merit  system,
         when  the  respective  councils  will
         help the pastoral staff to develop
         this  very  important  part  of  our

         school life.

         Thanks to all members of council
         for  giving  up  their  lunch  time  to
    98   improve the school experience for
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