Page 103 - Bellfort Magazine Issue 8
P. 103

Business Enterprise is our focus                                         Year 14
         in  Key  Stage  3; developing  stu-
                                                                                  The Applied business class have
         dents understanding of how the
                                                                                  created their own business this
         business  world  operates.    This
         year we have been busy putting                                           year,  My  Leavers  was  tasked
         theory into practice.                                                    with the design and production

         Year 10                                                                  of  the  school  leavers  hoody.
                                             Key Stage 5                          This was a challenging situation
         Year 10 have being learning the
         basic concepts of business.  Stu-   The sixth form Business Studies      for  them  and  enabled  the  stu-
         dents have been designing and       students have been busy estab-       dents  to  put  many  of  the  skills
         marketing  a  new  shoe    -  we    lishing  and  running  their  own    that they had compiled over the
         have  some  budding  Jimmy          enterprises.    They  have  been
                                                                                  last  two  years  into  action.  The
         Choo’s!                             perfecting  their  business  skills
                                                                                  range of skills involved allowed
                                             and  taking  calculated  risks,
                                             while  improving  their  organisa-   all  pupils  to  be  included  in  the
                                             tion,  communication  and  time-     design, creation and ordering of
                                             keeping.                             the  hoody.  Negotiating  the
                                             Year 13                              many  obstacles  that  presented
                                                                                  themselves.  The  focus  of  the
                                             Year  13  this  year  explored  the
                                             communication  and  customer         CTEC  class  this  year  has  been
                                             service examples of a local busi-    the  planning  and  organising  of
                                             ness.  Pupils  carried  out  exten-  the  Post-16  Information  even-
                                             sive research of this award win-
                                                                                  ing, this was an excellent oppor-
                                             ning resort and have compiled a
                                                                                  tunity for them to put into prac-
                                             very  detailed  piece  of  course-
                                             work exploring, different meth-      tice  all  of  the  business  skills
         They  have  been  given  the  op-
                                             ods of communication that the        they have been learning about.
         portunity  to  explore  the  pro-
                                             business may use, even design-       The  pupils  had  to  organise,  co-
         cesses of  research, design and
                                             ing  communication  pieces  for
         planning an effective marketing                                          ordinate  and  deliver  a  whole
                                             the Hotel.
         campaign.                                                                school event for the success of
                                             Putting Business into Practice
         GCSE Students                                                            the future sixth form, they were
                                             This  year  we  have  linked  with   able  to  deliver  an  excellent  af-
         GCSE students have been focus-
                                             eye4education  to continue our       ternoon and fully supported the
         ing on the skills required to be a
                                             Year 13 mini-enterprise My Cus-
         successful entrepreneur, with a                                          staff involved.
                                             tom Box who set up and run an
         enjoyable  talk  from    Derek
                                             actual  business.    This  has  been
         Montgomery of Flossy Treats, a
                                             established as a limited partner-
         local sweet business who is well
                                             ship  with  10  Year  13  students
         known at trade fairs.  They were
                                             developing  their  own  business
         able  to  use  these  findings  to
                                             concept.    They  have  designed
         help them with their Controlled
                                             custom made boxes full of retro
         Assessment as they helped plan
                                             sweets  to  meet  the  needs  of
         the  business  operations  of  a
                                             their customers.
         new  camping and caravanning
    102  site in Northern Ireland
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