Page 104 - Bellfort Magazine Issue 8
P. 104
A fabulous week was had by all at made. We improved our Italian balance and showing off a few
the beginning of March. After a ‘gratzie’ and we were in awe at tricks.
smooth flight , we exited Verona the spectatular scenery of the Do-
Mr McClintock’ Big Quiz ‘ was a
Airport and made our way up the lomites.
big success (in particular the mu-
narrow, winding road to the re-
The evening programme was sic round; but sadly his musical
sort. Our ebullient bus driver
eventful and included ‘Tubing’ i.e. prowess did not extend to his
shouted ‘’ravino!’’ to drivers ex-
hurtling down a hill in a tractor efforts at the Karaoke evening,
pecting him to move to the side,
inner - in pairs, three or groups! where several pupils were trau-
and though not fluent in Italian, matised by his rendition of, well,
Not content with one winter
we had a pretty good idea what
we don’t actually know, as none
he was referring to!
Our hotel was warm and comfort-
able, and after our first pizza (to
be one of many) we were meas-
ured up for skis, helmets and
The next day the sun shone and
lessons began. The beginners
stayed on the nursery slopes to
enjoy mastering new skills, whilst
experienced skiers set off with
their instructors to brush up on
old skills, begin to explore the ar-
ea and find their ‘ski legs’. of us had ever heard any of the
sport, we ventured to the ice rink
Throughout the week, skills im- songs he selected!!
and had a lot of fun keeping our
proved and friendships were 103