Page 109 - Bellfort Magazine Issue 8
P. 109
The fast moving libretto by dreamer and also had the gift motes Joseph in his house-
Tim Rice is presented through of explaining dreams. This hold. He has a wife whom he
the music of Andrew Lloyd caused the jealousy of his adores but who is not faithful
Webber, who integrates a se- brothers, especially when he to him in return. She sets her
ries of musical styles, from dreamed of the sun, moon eye on Joseph, and when he
Country to Calypso, from and stars bowing down to resists her advances, she ac-
French style to rock and pop, him, just as his brothers one cuses him and Potiphar be-
to enliven the text and allow day would! comes enraged, throwing Jo-
both musicians and perform- seph into jail.
In anger and desperation to
ers to shine.
get rid of him, they threw him Things look very bleak for Jo-
This is a story told by three in a pit and subsequently sold seph and it seems that all is
Narrators: storytellers, who him to a passing train of Ish- lost. However, in his moving
tell of a boy called Joseph, a maelites, in exchange for song, ‘Close Every Door to
biblical hero who was blessed some silver. Me’, Joseph reflects the faith
in the early part of his life, as that sustains him. He knows
the favourite son of his Father, that whatever happens to
Jacob. The opening song, ‘Any him, God’s promises are real –
Dream will Do’, tells of his ‘the children of Israel are nev-
dreams and ambitions and in- er alone’. He is looking upward
troduces us to his amazing in faith, while in the depths of
Technicolor Dreamcoat. It tells prison; it seems his mind is
how his coat was torn away flooded with images of his
and he was left alone, before family at home, and the angels
the story flashes back to the who watch over him. Gradual-
beginning….. ly things begin to change for
him…. He is spurred on to ‘Go,
The story happened ‘way way
‘Poor Poor Joseph’ finds him-
back many centuries ago’, in Go, Go Joseph’.
self sold to be a slave and his
Bible times. In ‘Jacob & Sons’, There is a loving reunion as his
brothers return to tell their
we hear how Jacob was a fam- Father Jacob, overjoyed, sets
sorrowing Father, there is ‘One
ily man with twelve strapping out on his journey to Egypt
More Angel in Heaven’.
sons. Joseph was the favourite and is met by Joseph in his
In Egypt, Joseph earns the re-
son of Jacob, because his golden chariot - ‘Jacob in
spect of Potiphar, the very
mother was Rachel whom Ja- Egypt’
wealthy Captain for whom he
cob loved. Joseph was a
was slave. ‘Potiphar’, pro-