Page 111 - Bellfort Magazine Issue 8
P. 111

All  pupils  in  school  can  re- Many  form  classes  have  room as a visual aid of their
         ceive  Merits  for  a  variety  of  charts                     in       achievement  and  a  catalyst

         reasons  and  activities.  At-                                            for  improvement.    There
         tendance, Learning Jour-                                                        are  three  levels  of

         nal,  attainment,  per-                                                            Merit          award;
         sonal  development,                                                                 bronze,  silver  and

         going the extra mile,                                                               gold.  The  success-
         sporting, dramatic or                                                               ful  winners  above

         musical  success.  Mer-                                                            gained  bronze  and

         its  are  awarded  biannu-                                                      silver awards with the
         ally  at  Christmas  and  at  the                                          pupils in the picture below
         end  of  the  year  in  June.  their                            form  achieving gold .

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