Page 110 - Bellfort Magazine Issue 8
P. 110
Together in prison with him is change in his circumstances. Is ered to be his younger broth-
a Butler and a Baker who are this the place therefore to end er, Benjamin! The brothers, in
plagued with dreams. Joseph the show? a change from the way they
reveals that the Butler will be previously treated Joseph,
Well, back in Canaan, the fam-
reinstated as a Butler, while show love for their brother
ine is affecting Jacob and his
the Baker will be executed - Benjamin, beg for mercy, and
brothers too, and they re-
and his predictions come true. are willing each to give them-
member ‘Those Canaan Days’
‘Sha La La Joseph you’re doing selves in his place - ‘how you
long ago when they were all
fine. You and your dreamcoat can accuse him is a mystery,
together and happy. They
ahead of your time’. save him, take me’.
even remember with affec-
tion, and regret, their brother Joseph was delighted at his
Joseph whom they sold into brothers’ honesty and im-
slavery all those years ago. proved attitudes, and reveals
They decide not to dwell on that he is ‘Joseph All the Time’.
Into the drama now enters
their poverty, but to go to There is a loving reunion as his
‘Pharaoh’s Story’ – Pharaoh
Egypt where they have heard Father Jacob, overjoyed, sets
was a powerful man in charge
there is a clever manager in out on his journey to Egypt
of Egypt - but troubled by tor-
charge. ‘The Brothers Come to and is met by Joseph in his
menting dreams of fat cows
Egypt’ and beg Joseph, golden chariot - ‘Jacob in
being eaten by thin cows and
‘Grovel; Grovel, Cringe, Bow, Egypt’
seven fat ears of corn, being
Stoop, Fall…..’ They do not ex-
consumed by seven thin ears! The story ends, as it began,
pect to find their bother serv-
The Butler remembers Jo- with ‘Any Dream Will Do’. Jo-
ing as the number two citizen
seph’s skill and he proves his seph was indeed a man who
in Egypt, and don’t recognise
worth in ‘Pharaoh’s Dreams had the gift of foretelling
him, but he has no difficulty in
Explained’, when he reveals dreams and this eventually led
recognising them!
the meaning of the dream: to his success in Egypt’. Re-
Unwilling to let them go with- gardless of the trouble that
that Pharaoh must prepare ac-
out identifying himself, Joseph unfolded in his life along the
tively for seven years of fam-
plants a cup in Benjamin’s sack way, he stands as a worthy ex-
ine, during the seven years of
and detains the brothers for a ample in history, of faith and
mock search when they are fortitude.
‘Stone the Crows’ sees Joseph
trying to depart.
nominated as Pharaoh’s num-
‘Who’s the Thief?’ asks Jo-
ber two, and an enormous
seph, and finally, it is discov- 109