Page 92 - Bellfort Magazine Issue 8
P. 92

What we aim to do:                   Year 9 topics                        Charity in the Religious Studies
         As a department we endeavour          Faith in Action: Moses
         to promote respect for religious      How relevant are the               Over the past number of years,
         and  moral  values.    We  seek  to         Commandments today?           the department has supported
         develop articulate and informed                                           the Samaritan’s Purse Operation
                                               Judaism
         students who have the skills to                                           Christmas Child Appeal and this
         cope with life in the 21  century.     Parables of Jesus                 year was no exception.
         Within  the  RE  Department          Year 10 topics
         Students     are    given    the
                                               The Early Christian Church
         opportunity  to  explore  the
         Christian  culture,  as  well  as     Faith in Action: Martin
         examining other world faiths.        Luther King
                                               Islam

         What pupils’ have been                 Caring for the Environment
         learning this year:
         All  pupils  study  a  varied  and     Life in the Religious Studies      Celebrating Success in Religious
         enjoyable  programme  based                    Department:                            Studies:
         upon  the  Core  Syllabus,  which    Visiting      speakers       and     In  external  examinations,  high
         was designed and agreed by the       educational visits are an integral   standards  are  set  and  achieved
         four main churches in Northern       part  of  the  pupil  experience  in   within  the  department.    In
         Ireland.  This course centres on     Religious  Education.    Current     recent    years   pupils    have
         Christianity  and  the  practical    year  10  and  12  pupils  had  the   experienced            success,
         application of moral teaching, in    opportunity  to  visit  a  Bible     highlighting   how     Religious
         addition  to  a  focused  study  on   Exhibition  in  September  2017,    Education  can  open  up  a  wide
         two  world  religions.    Through    and  many  of  our  Year  9  pupils   range  of  opportunities  for
         this  pupils  are  presented  with   were  able  to  attend  talks  from   further  and  higher  education
         opportunities     to     debate,     external  agencies,  e.g.  Shelter   and  interesting  and  rewarding
         discuss, use ICT and engage in a     NI. The department also links to     careers.  As  part  of  our  RE  and
         wide  range  of  active  learning    many  of  our  local  churches  in   Careers  lessons  this  year,  two
         tasks,  that  are  designed  to      Ballymena, and Scripture  Union      past pupils  returned to make a
         contribute  to  the  students        runs  monthly  for  pupils  of  all   valuable    contribution     by
         intellectual,    moral       and     ages,  facilitated  by  the  support   communicating  to  our  current
         emotional development.               of many of our College staff.        year 10 their experiences of life
                                                                                   within  the  RE  department  and

                                                                                   how Dunclug College paved the
         Year 8 topics
                                                                                   way for a successful future .
          The Bible
                                                                                    High school is a real transition time for
          Faith in Action: Abraham                                                 teens, it is about having fun but also

          Palestine at the time of                                                 getting the best education for future
         Jesus                                                                     opportunities. No matter where you go
                                                                                    after high school, never stop learning
          Discipleship                                                                       and growing.

                                                                                    “Every step you take is  a step toward

                                                                                      (Nicole Backus, past pupil 2016)

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