Page 78 - Bellfort Magazine Issue 8
P. 78
English Literature glish Literature
English Literature enables each student nglish Literature enables each student opportunities and lack of optimism in modern poets; Philip Larkin and
to read, understand and evaluate a read, understand and evaluate a
to Soledad. The setting of the novel itself, English Literature ‘A’ level builds on the
Elizabeth Jennings.
ra Soledad, is Spanish for ‘Solitude’, range of literature that we enjoy in
range of texts from a variety of sources. nge of texts from a variety of sources.
At ‘A’ level, we have explored the
Every learner has the opportunity to very learner has the opportunity to meaning loneliness. This is ironic since junior school and within GCSE English
metaphysical poetry of John Donne who
e every character is forced to experience language and English Literature. In the
explore poetry, pros and dramatic plays, xplore poetry, pros and dramatic plays,
explores some of the deepest questions
and appreciate the contexts in which d appreciate the contexts in which the pain of this loneliness at some course, we study novels, drama scripts
they were written. Throughout their ey were written. Throughout their point in this cruel narrative. about life, writing about everyday ob-
and poetry from different eras and parts
s studies, our students really enjoy the tudies, our students really enjoy the Samples from GCSE/A-Level work jects and situations. We have also ex-
of the world, responding to texts to
Aimee Leinster—Y11 amined Shakespeare’s tragedy,
diversity of subjects that are covered in iversity of subjects that are covered in show an understanding of a writer’s
In the words of Oscar Wilde, “to live ‘Othello’, looking at how dramatic
the GCSE course. They really enjoy and e GCSE course. They really enjoy and
The theme of dystopia originated from craft and the context in which the texts
life is the rarest thing in the world.
e methods are used to showcase the de-
engage with the characters, themes and ngage with the characters, themes and
the Ancient Greek words ‘bad’ and were written.
Most people just exist, that’s all.”
attitudes that are explored and udes that are explored and ception of the villainous Iago, leading to
‘place’ to create the sense of an unfa-
This year for ‘AS’ level
appreciate how writers use language to preciate how writers use language to
ap Othello’s ultimate demise. we have
Steinbeck offers his reader a harsh and
vourable society in which to live. With-
captivate an audience. tivate an audience. explored the nature of love and how the
callous society with no place for the Students have also had the joy of read-
in ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’, Atwood has
rules of society shape our relationships
weak. This world is dominated by ing dystopian literature, completing a
created a totalitarian religious regime
At Dunclug College, we help every learn-Dunclug College, we help every learn- with the classic nineteenth century
white able-bodied males. Anyone out- timed study on how the cruel and deso-
which focuses on the use of violence
er to develop their analytical skills in r to develop their analytical skills in novel “Wuthering Heights” by Emily
side of this category were ostracized late worlds that they create force their
and punishment to control its society.
English Literature which has a profound nglish Literature which has a profound Bronte, one of the most famous love
and forced to live in a hostile environ- characters to experience great difficul-
Each member of the society has been
impact on other literacy based subjects pact on other literacy based subjects stories of all time. We have also worked
ment. ties and emotions.
allocated a pre-determined role based
that they study. Whether you are in-at they study. Whether you are in- with the famous American play, “A
s spired by the bleak setting and desolate pired by the bleak setting and desolate on their physical attributes or past The literature that we read at ‘A’ level
George acknowledges this sad world by
Streetcar named Desire,” by Tennessee
world created in McCarthy’s ‘The Road’, orld created in McCarthy’s ‘The Road’, lives; Atwood explores the restriction prepares us for much more than exams
stating, “guys like us that work on
Williams which also helps us to
shocked by dictatorial society in At-hocked by dictatorial society in At- of female roles, leading to their painful – it sheds light on some of the deepest
ranches are the loneliest guys in the
understand the complexities of adult
wood’s ’The Handmaid’s Tale’ or sur-ood’s ’The Handmaid’s Tale’ or sur-
w and miserable existence. Within ‘The human emotions and gives us
world. They got nothing to look ahead
relationships. The themes of growing
prised by the isolated lives of itinerant rised by the isolated lives of itinerant Road’, McCarthy has created a world in opportunities to discuss the greatest
to.” This clearly emphasises the bleak
up, loving and growing apart have been
workers in Steinbeck’s ’Of Mice and orkers in Steinbeck’s ’Of Mice and which the society attacks one another; challenges that people face in society.
opportunities and lack of optimism in
Men’ , English Literature will inspire and n’ , English Literature will inspire and lack of governmental control creates further explored in the poetry of two
Soledad. The setting of the novel itself,
encourage every student to succeed. ncourage every student to succeed.
e anarchy. Kirsten Collins—Y14 modern poets; Philip Larkin and
Soledad, is Spanish for ‘Solitude’,
Elizabeth Jennings.
meaning loneliness. This is ironic since
English Literature ‘A’ level builds on the
every character is forced to experience At ‘A’ level, we have explored the
range of literature that we enjoy in
the pain of this loneliness at some metaphysical poetry of John Donne who
junior school and within GCSE English
point in this cruel narrative. explores some of the deepest questions
language and English Literature. In the
about life, writing about everyday ob-
course, we study novels, drama scripts
Aimee Leinster—Y11 jects and situations. We have also ex-
and poetry from different eras and parts amined Shakespeare’s tragedy,
of the world, responding to texts to
The theme of dystopia originated from
Samples from GCSE/A-Level work show an understanding of a writer’s ‘Othello’, looking at how dramatic
the Ancient Greek words ‘bad’ and
methods are used to showcase the de-
‘ craft and the context in which the texts place’ to create the sense of an unfa-
In the words of Oscar Wilde, “to live ception of the villainous Iago, leading to
were written.
vourable society in which to live. With-
life is the rarest thing in the world. Othello’s ultimate demise.
in ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’, Atwood has
Most people just exist, that’s all.” This year for ‘AS’ level we have
created a totalitarian religious regime Students have also had the joy of read-
explored the nature of love and how the
Steinbeck offers his reader a harsh and which focuses on the use of violence ing dystopian literature, completing a
rules of society shape our relationships
callous society with no place for the and punishment to control its society. timed study on how the cruel and deso-
with the classic nineteenth century
weak. This world is dominated by Each member of the society has been late worlds that they create force their
novel “Wuthering Heights” by Emily
white able-bodied males. Anyone out- allocated a pre-determined role based characters to experience great difficul-
Bronte, one of the most famous love
side of this category were ostracized on their physical attributes or past ties and emotions.
stories of all time. We have also worked
and forced to live in a hostile environ- lives; Atwood explores the restriction
with the famous American play, “A The literature that we read at ‘A’ level
ment. of female roles, leading to their painful
Streetcar named Desire,” by Tennessee prepares us for much more than exams
and miserable existence. Within ‘The
Road’, McCarthy has created a world in
George acknowledges this sad world by Williams which also helps us to – it sheds light on some of the deepest
which the society attacks one another;
stating, “guys like us that work on understand the complexities of adult human emotions and gives us
lack of governmental control creates
ranches are the loneliest guys in the relationships. The themes of growing opportunities to discuss the greatest
world. They got nothing to look ahead up, loving and growing apart have been challenges that people face in society. 77
anarchy. Kirsten Collins—Y14
to.” This clearly emphasises the bleak further explored in the poetry of two