Page 75 - Bellfort Magazine Issue 8
P. 75

Literacy Support

         Miss  Poole  delivered  Literacy
         Support  to  over  150  pupils  this
         year.  Many Year 8 pupils received
         support  to  ensure  they  were
         making  good  progress  in  their
         new  school.    Mrs  Dempsey

         (Literacy Co-ordinator) monitored
         the  tracking  results  and  used
         those  results,  along  with  teacher

         referrals  to  ensure  pupils  got
                                             World Book Day
         support when they needed it.                                            Fortnightly Focus
                                             English  teachers  created  on-line
         Year 9 pupils received support in a                                     To  further  promote  high  quality
                                             dating  profiles  for  book  villains
         range  of  skills  from  applying                                       communication,  Mrs  Dempsey
                                             from Miss Trunchbull to President
         spelling  strategies  to  improving                                     highlighted  common  errors  and
                                             Snow.    Pupils  had  to  read  the
         their ability to read questions and                                     encourage  d  teachers  to  model
                                             profiles  and  identify  the  villain
         identify  what  their  teachers  are                                    and  highlight  the  correct  usage  .
                                             before explaining why they chose
         looking for in their answers.  Year                                     The  first  focus  was  on  the
                                             a v villain and explained why they
         10  pupils  focused  on  planning                                       incorrect use of ‘youse’.
                                             were    particularly   interesting.
         longer  answers  and  using  some
                                             There  were  some  fascinating
         signposting phrases to help them
                                             entries  but  first  prize  went  to
         produce  more  detailed  answers.
                                             Bradley  Greer  and  second  to
         Year  11  and  12  pupils  had  the
                                             Reese Magill.
         opportunity    to    learn   some

         strategies  to  help  them  proof-
         read  and  edit  their  writing  in

         addition    to     subject-specific                                     In  English  there  is  no  plural  form
         support  with  key  terms  and
                                                                                 of “you” while  in other languages
         structuring answers.                                                    it  is  expressed  with  one  word
                                                                                 that, literally translated would be
                                                                                 “yous”,  for  example  “vous”  in
                                                                                 French  or  “vosotros”  in  Spanish.

                                             The      Accelerated       Reader   You  will  find  ‘youse’  in  on-line

                                             programme       was     also    re-  dictionaries  but  it  is  not  yet
                                             introduced  for  Year  8  pupils  to   accepted in formal writing and we

                                             build  on  their  existing  reading   are preparing pupils to be able to
                                             habits from primary school.         communicate in formal situations
                                                                                 such as examinations.
                                             Form    class  prefects  for  Year  8
                                             were  also  given  training  on  how

                                             to  use  an  on-line  reading  quiz  so
                                             they could engage in peer-reading

                                             during form class and be positive
                                             role-models for younger pupils.

                                             Strong  reading  comprehension  is
                                             a vital skill.
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