Page 71 - Bellfort Magazine Issue 8
P. 71

Prize Day                 my  Memory’  -  a  piece  made       Emmanuel  and  Joy  to  the
                                              famous by the film Home Alone.       World.’
         The  Music  Department  started
                                                                                   A more calypso style came from
         the year by setting the scene for
                                                                                   the Whole School Choir in their
         the     annual     Prize     Day
                                                                                   performance of ‘Unto Us a Child
         celebration.  Bethany  Sterritt
                                                                                   is   Born’    this   was    ably
         (Year 13), filled the assembly hall
                                                                                   accompanied  by  Timmy  Hill  on
         with  the  hauting  melodies  of                                          guitar  and  Mark  Robinson  on
         the  harp  before  the  Orchestra                                         the  drums.  Cerys  McFetridge
         led  the  academic  procession                                            (Year 9) performed a jazz piece
         with a beautiful arrangement of                                           called  ‘Jingle  Bell  Boogie’  and
         Pachelbel’s  Canon in D.                                                  had  everyone  toe  tapping  by
                                              Our newly formed String Group
                                                                                   the  end  .  Another  seasoned
         The    Whole     School    Choir     featured    junior  pupils—Cerys
                                                                                   performer    Chloe    McKeown
         performed ‘Homeward Bound’ ,         McFetridge,             Molly-Jo     (Year  13)  lead  the  Chamber
                                              McCullough, Katie Montgomery,
         a   piece    chosen     for   its                                         Choir in a heavenly recital of ‘O
                                              Chris  McFetridge  and  Jessica
         meaningful      words      about                                          Holy Night.’ The Service drew to
         harvest  time  and  thankfulness.                                         a  close  with  the  Flute  Quintet
         This  song  featured  the  sweet                                          performing  ‘Jingle  Bell  Rock’  a
                                                                                   piece  the  girls;  Aimee  Leinster,
         vocals of one of our new year 8
                                                                                   Charlotte     McKay,      Megan
         pupils, Leah McKelvey.
                                                                                   Dunlop,  Rachel  Jamieson    and
                                                                                   Mrs  King  thoroughly  enjoyed
                                                                                   performing.    The  highlight  of
                                                                                   this years Carol Service was the
                                                                                   Chamber      Choir’s    stunning
                                                                                   performance  of  ‘Thankful.’  This
                                                                                   moving  piece  showcased  the
                                                                                   hard  work,  commitment  and
                                                                                   stylised  tone  of  the  Chamber
                                              Caron under the skilled tutelage     Choir  under  the  instruction  of
         Carol Service
                                              of Mrs Emma Nevin. The Year 8        Mrs Kerrie King.
         The annual Carol Service  held in    Choir  livened  up  proceedings
         Ballyloughan  Church  and  was  a    with their performance of ‘Born
         beautiful end to a busy ‘musical’    is the King.’ Year 14 student and
         term.  This  year  the  choirs  and   seasoned    performer      Amy
         ensembles  had  once  again          Wilson        stunned        the
         grown in number and the talent       congregation  with  an  ethereal
         on  display  was  evident.  The      arrangement  of  the  Oasis  song
         evening  featured  pupils  from      ‘Half  the  World  Away.’    Not  to
         every  year  group  retelling  the   be  outdone  the  Staff  Choir
         story  of  the  birth  of  Jesus.  The   performed  an  uplifting  Gospel
         School  choir  helped  us  reflect   arrangement  of  three  well
         on   the    true   meaning  of       known  Christmas  pieces,  ‘We
         Christmas    with  ‘Somewhere  in    three  Kings,  O  Come,  O  Come
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