Page 69 - Bellfort Magazine Issue 8
P. 69

NUMBER ONE                 Festival  for  Speech  and  Drama  thoroughly             entertaining
                                             and     performed      in    many  production of Adrian Mole.

                                             examination           productions.
                                                                                 Five  members  of  Dunclug  staff
                                             Rebecca said that the award was
                                                                                 took  to  The  Mac  Theatre  in
                                             “a  real  honour  which  wouldn't   September, with a bus of excited
                                             have  been  possible  without  the
                                                                                 GCSE and A-Level students in tow.
                                             support  provided  at  Dunclug
                                                                                 The  story  follows  troubled  teen
                                                                                 Adrian  as  he  navigates  his  way
         NI’s Top Performing Arts Student                                        through  adolescence.    Gloriously

         The  Drama  department  has  done                                       geeky  Adrian  faces  his  parents
         it  again  –  producing  the  best                                      crumbling  marriage,  unrequited

         result  in  Northern  Ireland  for                                      love  for  Pandora  and  relentless
         Performing  Arts.  To  our  delight,                                    school bullies.

         Rebecca  Fowler  achieved  the                                          The play was fast paced, energetic
         highest mark for Performing Arts                                        and  featured  skills  music,  dance

         in the 2017 cohort as awarded by                                        and  mime.    To  see  such  theatre
         the  examining  body  CCEA.    Her                                      skills  modelled    made  pupils’
         success  follows  that  of  her     Rebecca  is  currently  studying  ambitions  tangible;  they  could

         Dunclug     predecessor,    Emma    Drama  at  Queens  University,  then set out their targets for the
         Fleck,  who  received  the  same    Belfast,  but  was  delighted  to  year.
         accolade in 2016.                   attend  the  Stormont  award
                                                                                 Brusier  is  one  of  Northern
         Rebecca is a keen actor, achieving   ceremony for top achieving pupils   Ireland’s   leading   production
         an  A  for  GCSE  Performing  Arts   alongside  Mrs  Wilson,  her  class   companies  specialising  physical
         and an A* for her A-Level. During   teacher  Mrs  Poole  and  her       theatre.  It’s  work  is  always
         her  time  in  Dunclug,  Rebecca    parents.                            polished  and  pleasurable;  our

         performed  as  beauty  school                                           pupils  saw  consummate  industry
         dropout  Frenchy  in  the  school                                       professionals at work.
                                             THE  SECRET  DIARY  OF
         musical  ‘GREASE!’,  came  second                                       With the theatre buzz ignited, the
         place for her monologue from ‘A     ADRIAN MOLE, AGED 13 3/4
                                                                                 Drama       Department         also
         Doll’s  House’  at  the  Ballymena    Senior School see Mole at The     collaborated  with  the  A  level

                                                            Mac.                 Travel and Tourism class to attend

                                             Pupil engagement and immersion  the        internationally   acclaimed
                                             is  at  the  forefront  of  the  production  ‘Blood  Brothers’  by
                                             Department’s  values.  So  we  felt  Willy  Russel  in  The  Grand  Opera
                                             there  was  no  better  way  to  kick  House in March.
                                             off the school year than with a trip

                                             to    Brusier  Theatre  Company’s

                                             masterfully      enacted       and
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