Page 65 - Bellfort Magazine Issue 8
P. 65
BBC Make It: Work! sity of Ulster, Jordanstown and dents got the opportunity to
Queen’s University, Belfast. meet representatives from a
BBC Make It:
range of employers, training pro-
Work! pro- ER&M University Roadshow
viders, universities, further and
gramme, de-
livered in con- higher education establishments,
the Armed Forces and a range of
junction with
gap year providers and volunteer-
ing opportunities.
tion, visited school in October
The ER&M University Roadshow
2017 to deliver a workshop to our Work Experience
arrived at Dunclug College in Oc-
Year 11 students. The aim was to
tober 2017 to speak to our Sixth All Year 12 and 13 students took
inspire the pupils and raise their
Form students about choices part in a one week placement at a
aspirations with regard to getting
available to them at the end of local or national business of their
work both part-time and full-time
their studies. This took the form choice, with many receiving excel-
after school/college/university.
of a presentation on the follow- lent feedback from their employ-
The workshop was divided into
ing: ers—some even obtaining part-
three sessions: time employment as a result.
applying to university;
The World of Work – looking at
the interview process; Careers / English Interviews
the labour market, the qualifica-
the UCAS Application sys- After their placement, all students
tions demanded by employers
tem; in Year 12 benefited from an in-
and the progression routes to em-
key areas in finance such as formative and enlightening work-
ployment. Students also complet-
fees, loans, grants and shop, courtesy of David Mills
ed a mental intelligences test to
scholarships available; (MBE, FIRP, CertRP), Lead Recruit-
give an idea of the jobs that they
budgeting for University; er of the Army, alongside some of
would be best suited to.
accommodation, travel and his colleagues. Each student then
Finding and getting work – look-
living expenses. took part in a professional inter-
ing at where to look for jobs,
Following the presentation stu- view that built on the valuable in-
what to look for in a job descrip-
dents then had the opportunity to formation given at the workshop.
tion, how to complete an applica-
visit university representatives at Taking part in the interview pro-
tion form or CV and how to pre-
university stands. They were able cess too, was Brian Alexander
pare for interview.
to ask questions and gain infor- from Ballymena Skills, who previ-
Motivation for work – looking at mation about the universities in ously spoke to the Year 12 stu-
getting motivated to work on attendance at the university road- dents on the opportunities availa-
qualifications and set work relat- show. ble through this post-16 pro-
ed goals. gramme of study. Feedback from
Year 12 Careers Fair
the interviews was very positive,
University Open Days
On the 8th March, Year 12 visited
with more than one interviewer
Year 14 students also got to expe- over 60 exhibitors at the Ballyme-
commenting on the professional-
rience University life as we attend- na Business and Education Part-
ism and preparation of our stu-
64 ed the Open Days in both Univer- nerships annual Careers Fair. Stu- dents.