Page 62 - Bellfort Magazine Issue 8
P. 62

We had a number of suc-
                                                                                           cesses again this year in
                                                                                           the Art Department:

                                                                                           Justin Cole won 2nd
                                                                                           place in the Portraiture
                                                                                           section of The Texaco
                                                                                           Children's Art Competi-

                                                                                           tion and Tyler Douglas
                                                                                           (winner of the school
                                                                                           Christmas card design
                                                                                           competition) has creat-
                                                                                           ed his own web-site,
                                                                                           showcasing his excep-
                                                                                                   tional photog-

                                                                                                   raphy skills.

                                                                                                   McKay, Year 12
                                                                                                   had her GCSE
                                                                                                   nominated for

                                                                                 the 2019 True Colours Exhibition

                                                                                 in the Ulster Museum.

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