Page 67 - Bellfort Magazine Issue 8
P. 67
Another exciting year in Compu- Focus on Year 8 Focus on Year 9
ting at Dunclug College! Our sen-
Year 8 began the year exploring Having been introduced to Mi-
ior classes performed well in their
the important topic of E-safety. crosoft Word and Excel in Year8
external examinations in June
The importance of being safe as well as delving into Kodu by
2017 and last September we Year 9 students are prepared for
online is something we stress
launched three new courses; further explorations into compu-
throughout our pupils’ time at
CCEA Digital Technology at GCSE ting.
Dunclug and it is something which
alongside CCEA GCE Digital Tech-
will affect them throughout their
nology and BTEC Level 3 Extend-
lives. The need to choose pass-
ed Certificate in Information
words wisely, to protect your
Technology at post-16! These
online data and to enjoy the won-
proved popular choices and there
derful benefits of the internet
was a healthy uptake for these
safely is good practice for us all.
and the existing Occupational
Studies in Graphic Design and
Web Design.
As well as staying safe online we
encourage our students to use
good “n-etiquette”, a coined
Year 9 enjoyed getting to grips
phrase, defined as a set of rules
with simple animation using Pow-
for acceptable online behaviour.
erpoint, the mathematical chal-
lenges of algorithms and
flowcharts as well as developing
their photoshop skills. So watch
out for some edited touched up
holiday snaps this summer!