Page 64 - Bellfort Magazine Issue 8
P. 64
Shared Education Signature Dunclug College Chamber Choir
Project performed for Royalty on 23rd
March 2018 when they visited the
Over the last 3 years, Dunclug Col-
Eikon Centre to take part in
lege, in partnership with St. Pat-
‘Amazing the Space II’
rick’s College have been involved
Amazing the Space is a youth-led
in the Shared Education Signature
peace-building initiative, funded
Project. This project has been cre-
by the Northern Ireland Executive
ated by the Northern Ireland Ex-
The focus of the History pro- Office that empowers young peo-
ecutive as part of their commit-
gramme was to delve into atti- ple across Northern Ireland, to
ment to creating a strong and
tudes towards the partition of Ire- become ambassadors for peace
shared community.
land. This programme gave stu-
within their communities.
dents the chance to think about
their attitudes towards each oth-
er, where they came from and
why they have developed their
The shared history have success-
fully allowed our students to meet
The programme has been funded
new friends and think about new The project enables young people
by the OFMDFM and Atlantic
concepts whilst in the shared to contribute to a more peaceful
Philanthropies for a 4 year period.
society, acknowledging that they
The subject areas we focussed on
As we enter Year 4 of our pro- can be key agents of change in
are PE, LLW and History. The PE
gramme we look towards embed- their communities. This year’s
programme concentrated on
ding these lessons into each of Amazing the Space project was
Physical Fitness and wellbeing.
our subject areas. officially launched by His Royal
Year 8 students took part in a pro-
Highness Prince Harry on Thurs-
gramme which introduced them
day 7 September 2017.
to basic fundamental skills in
This was such an exciting event to
Gymnastics, Basketball and field
be part of the now Duke and
Duchess of Sussex’s first public
The LLW programme was entitled
engagements before their wed-
‘Healthy Body, Healthy Mind’. The
aim was develop knowledge
gained in Year 8 on physical fit-
ness by emphasising the im-
portance of healthy eating and
looking at ways young people can
improve their mental health. 63