Page 73 - Bellfort Magazine Issue 8
P. 73

The  choirs  wowed  once  again            Meeting a Prince!               was star struck when Prince Harry
        with  their  varied  repertoire,;                                          and  his  Fiancée  Megan  Markle
                                              The Chamber Choir were delighted
        Year 8  singing ‘I wanna be like                                           arrived   to   listen   to   the
                                              to  hear  that  they  had  been
        you’  from  the  Jungle  Book,                                             performances.  Its  not  every  day
                                              selected  to  perform  at  the       you get to perform to a Prince!
        while  the  Whole  School  Choir      Amazing  the  Space  2  Peace  Day
        which  now  has  over  100            held in the Eikon Centre in Lisburn.
        members  thrust  the  audience        Barra  Best  was  compere  for  the
        into the charts with ‘Get up and
        Dance!’    Three  of  our  senior

        girls,   Amy     Wilson,    Chloe
        McKeown  and  Leah  Armstrong
        showcased  their  expertise  in
        vocal  music  with  ‘Lascia  Ch’io
        Pianga’,  ‘Voi  Che  Sapete’  and

        ‘Time to say Goodbye.’ It is a joy
        to  listen  to  our  students
        perform to such a sophisticated
        level  and  to  take  such pleasure
        in  the  classical  arts  and  history
        of Music.  The final piece of the     event  and  selected  students  from
        evening  was  the  debut  recital     various  participating  schools  were

        from the Chamber Choir of ‘You        assisting   him.   Two   Dunclug
        are  Mine’    another  moment  of     students  Amy  Stirling  and  Kathryn
                                              Hamilton  were  asked  to  co-host
                                              what an honour!

                                              To our amazement we arrived and
                                              were told special guests would be
                                              attending  —but  who?!  Our  choir

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