Page 13 - Bellfort Magazine Issue 8
P. 13

In  the  Technology  Department,                                        Last year the school production, a
         over two days in February, almost                                       collaboration  by  many  staff  and
         100  P6  pupils  from  local  schools                                   many  departments  under  the
         experienced            Robotics—                                        leadership  of  Mrs  Hastings,  Mrs
         developing programming and nu-                                          King,  Mrs  Poole  and  Mrs  McKel-
         meracy skills. Once again it was a                                      vey,   produced     the    Musical
         well-attended  experience.  The  The  RE  Department  in  collabora- ‘Grease’  to  packed  audiences  at
         sixth  form  Technology  students  tion with Mr Kissick ran a superb  the  start  of  December.    Sandra
         who led the event were invigorat- Bible Exhibition, ‘Journey through  Dee  (Courtney  Gribben)  falls  in
         ed by the experience.               life’ last September, underpinning  love  with  Danny  (Denver  Ma-
                                             their curriculum.  There was a vi- haffy), in a summer romance only
                                             brant Scripture Union running af- to  find  that  they  both  end  up  at
                                             ter-school  throughout  the  year,  Rydell High for the new term and
                                             with a focus on spiritual and mor- where  it  is  the  thing  to  be  cool.
                                             al  development.    We  record  However, as the story unfolds, the
                                             thanks to our local churches who  T-birds  in  their  new  used  car,
                                             support  our  SU  and  Assemblies  ‘Greased  Lightning’,  pledge  un-
                                             and     especially    Ballyloughan  ending  friendship  with  their  Pink
                                             Church  which  hosts  our  Annual  Ladies.  As a thank you, the drama
                                             Carol Service.                      troupe were treated to a cut-price
                                                                                 Theatre  Trip  to  London  where
         Later  in  May  the  RAF  visited  the
                                                                                 they were inspired by Les Misera-
         school to give year 9 a STEM day.   In June 2017 the Modern Foreign     bles, School of Rock and Phantom
         The activities included:  designing  languages  department  jetted  off   of  the  Opera,  managing  also  a
         and manufacturing a communica-      to  Paris  with  45  students  from   magical river tour from Westmin-
                                             years 9 – 11.  There was a guided
         tions’  tower  from  straws;  pro-                                      ster  Bridge  to  Tower  Bridge!
                                             tour of Paris, a Seine River cruise   There  was  not  a  dry  eye  on  the
         gramming a robot and designing a
                                                                                 bus  or  flight  on  the  way  home!
         product of the future.
                                                                                 And lots of potential diva perfor-
         A  local  company  Quad  X,  which                                      mances!    It  was  a  whirlwind  trip

         produces  ATV  attachments,  visit-                                     into the world of Musical Theatre,
                                                                                 where increasingly, in both Drama
         ed Technology & Design, to give a
                                                                                 and Music, our pupils shine.
         talk  about  the  opportunities  for

         school leavers within their compa-
         ny  after  GCSE,  A-level  and  post   and  memorable  visits  to  Notre  You heard just a snippet this after-
                                             Dame Cathedral, Disneyland Paris,  noon  of  one  of  the  pieces  from
         graduate level.
                                             Asteriz Theme Park and Stade De  this  year’s  show,  ‘Joseph’  and  I
         The  Technology  Awards  at  Key  France football stadium.              hope  you  will  put  the  dates  of
         stage  3,  which  assess  the  Design                                   29 ,  30   November  and  1   De-
         folder,  Practical  work  and  exam                                     cember  into  your  diaries  right
                                                                                 now  to see what we plan will be
         performance,  were  won  as  fol-
                                             For  the  European  Day  of  Lan-   an inspiring performance.
         lows:   Year  8, Andrew Sheppard,
                                             guages,  Year  8  pupils  had  the
         Year 9, Ellen Blair, Year 10, Nicole
                                             chance  to  take  part  in  quizzes
         Turtle.                             about  European  countries  while
                                             Year  12  sampled  some  Spanish

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