Page 9 - Bellfort Magazine Issue 8
P. 9

In October, 12 Year 13 students,
        along with staff members Mrs Al-
        exander and Mr Burnett, will em-

        bark upon what will likely be a
        memorable and humbling experi-
        ence as they travel to India to pro-
        vide support to residents of the
        Slums in Delhi, India.

        Students and Staff have been
        fund-raising this year for asha. The
        charity helps to tackle all the is-
        sues that can keep slum dwellers
        trapped in poverty. The money
        raised will help slum residents
        gain access to healthcare, finan-
        cial services and education,
        and make it possible for them to
        make long-term, positive changes
        to their lives.

        Mrs Alexander, Mr Burnett and
        the students involved, prepared
        an afternoon-tea themed lunch
        for the staff of Dunclug College on
        Tuesday 29th May. The event was
        well received and over £600 was
        raised for the asha charity. Every
        penny that the team raises goes
        towards such a worthy cause!

        The team of students and staff
        will be reporting back to the
        school and parents via Twitter
        from India and will also capture
        the experience on  camera and
        film; stay tuned for an unforgetta-
        ble experience!

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