Page 12 - Bellfort Magazine Issue 8
P. 12
Top achieving individuals were and opened great future opportu- who host our work experience
Rebecca Houston, Scott Robin- nities. students, the careers service and
son, James Fullerton, Scott Norris, the many links with Universities
John Wilson, and Jonah McHenry. and colleges which support our
21 students achieved at least 2 A* We were very proud that Katie careers’ programme.
grades and a wide range of stu- Farquhar was awarded the hon-
dents achieved combinations of our of Learner of the Year in April
high grades, at least 5 of which and a guest at the Celebrate with
came into the A/B range. I would CCEA Awards for her achievement Turning to the enrichment side of
like to share their names with you, in Occupational Studies: Environ- school life, I am now assisted by
as follows: Emmalee Adams, Julie ment and Society Level 2. Katie’s some of my senior students:
Bonnar, Lee Buick, Aaron Camp- resilience has inspired others Kathryn, Amy, Emily, Melissa and
bell, Kristyn Chan, Aimee Chap- throughout her school career and Jordan.
man, Demi Chesney, Sarah Chris- we wish her well in the future.
tie, Ellie Clyde, Courtney Conway,
Joshua Courtney, Reece Dickey, In our Art Department, Sophie
Nicole Erwin, Jack Francey, Kyle Millar (A Level Art student) won
Fraser, Shawn Greer, Charlotte NI Young Portrait Artist 2017, also
Halliday, Grace Halliday, Holly gaining an unconditional offer of a
Leckey, Toni Marriott, Scott place on the Fine Art Degree
Mawhinney, Stewart McClintock, course at Cardiff University.
Kyle McCooke, Zoe McIlroy, Jona-
than McIlveen, Adam McKeown,
Jack Millar, Jake Millar, Jack Mil- Justin Cole (Year 10 Art student
ton, Lewis Murray, Charlie Nelson, Our school magazine, The Bell- last year), won a Special Merit
Jessica O’Neill, Megan Rock, Bob- fort, records the year’s exploits in Award in the 63rd Texaco Chil-
by Smyth, Bethany Sterritt, James detail and I am able to deal with a dren's Art Competition, and has
Tumelty, Megan Turtle, Cain Wil- snapshot only at this stage. Vigor- been invited to a special ceremo-
liamson-Rainey and Aaron Wilson. ous programmes continued
throughout the year with our usu-
al focus on high quality literacy
and numeracy programmes to de-
velop our communication and nu-
merate skills. Emerging Technolo-
gies were given emphasis with
Year 8 tackling Kodu and Year 9
Microsoft Small Basic in prepara-
tion for developing programming
There are numerous other excel- skills in senior school. There was
lent combinations of grades in the emphasis too on the power of
A – C range which deserve special Media, on Home Economy, the joy
credit, and it is also encouraging of Literature, on Scientific Discov-
to note that 96% of all students ery, on the development of Bud- ny in Dublin in May 2018. His work
achieved at least 4 good grades ding Entrepreneurs through nu- will be displayed and if he gets
and for many, including those merous programmes by eye4edu- through to the finals, his work will
with learning challenges, this was cation and Sentinus, and our bud- be on show in the Ulster Museum
beyond their expectations, was ding business students. We are in November 2018.
12 the result of great perseverance, grateful to our local businesses