Page 16 - Bellfort Magazine Issue 8
P. 16

Closer  to  home,  we  contributed  ing  within  and  beyond  the  class- dren  deserve  our  best  provision
         200kg  of  food  for  our  regular  room to a range of curricular and  and our best efforts.    They will not
         Foodbank to support need in the  enrichment  links,  specifically  in  remember  the  political  angst  or
         local community last year, togeth- PE,  LLW,  History,  Maths  &  Sci- the  financial  challenges,  but
         er with 124 Easter Eggs to give to  ence.    This  year  we  qualified  for  teachers  that  inspired  them,
         children from homes in crisis, and  the Extended Schools programme  knowledge that enlightened them
         24 “Handbags of hope” filled with  and have extended our links with  and  most  of  all  the  friendships
         ladies’ toiletries for Christmas.   Primary  Schools  through  this  they  have  built  along  the  way.
                                                                                 They  will  remember  a  school
                                                                                 where  they  were  happy,  where
                                                                                 they  gave  and  experienced  re-
                                                                                 spect and where their characters,
                                                                                 as  well  as  their  intellects,  were
                                                                                 formed  and honed.   They will re-
                                                                                 member that they were prepared
         Our  students  continue  to  have  a  funding  stream  and  contributed  for  life  here  and  were  then  set
         voice in all that happens in school  to  a  Cluster  Group  of  schools  in  free  to  find  their  calling  in  the
         through  the  Junior  and  Senior  Ballymena.                           world.    Our new school, secure in
         Councils,  the  Enrichment  and  ex-                                    its  established  values,  will  be  a

         tra-curricular  programmes,  the                                        vibrant  landmark  in  the  North  of
         House System, as well as the Men- In conclusion  – the design of our    Ballymena  and  we  are  rightly  ex-
         toring & Reading Partnership pro- new school is now complete and                         cited  as  we  look
         grammes.                            will be formally presented by the                    forward  to  the
                                             Architects  in  school  this  very                   potential  of  its
                                             evening.  All who are free are wel-                  completion:    a
                                             come to join us.  God-willing, this                  worthy legacy of
                                             will  be  a  state-of-the-art  facility,             all this school has
                                             future-proofed for generations to                    been in the past,
                                             come,  with  majestic  views  of                     and  all it can yet
                                             Slemish  mountain,  and  an  attrac-                 be,  in  the  years
         We  continue  in  our  commitment
                                             tive  central  courtyard.    Our  chil-              to come.
         to  Shared  Education,  collaborat-

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