Page 15 - Bellfort Magazine Issue 8
P. 15
Joshua Courtney finished third in In Hockey, competitive fixtures expenses. Also a sum of £100 was
the Intermediate Boys’ 800m final were played in the Ballymena and collected for the Northern Ireland
at the Ul- NEBSSA Leagues while Gymnas- Children to Lapland Trust, to allow
ster tics, Trampolining and Dance terminally ill children to see Santa.
Schools proved popular and creative for
Track and the girls. A dedicated bunch also
Field met for indoor football. Congrat- In addition, 57 shoeboxes were
champion- ulations to Amy Smyth who plays packed (something of a record),
ships, se- for the Ballymena United All-stars and £75 donated alongside, for
curing his – winners of the Northern Ireland the Annual Shoebox Appeal. The
place in Senior Cup. sum of £700 was raised on a non-
the All- uniform day for Tear Fund, to sup-
Ireland port the tragedy in Yemen, out of
Schools’ We celebrate also the outstanding respect to our students who have
final at Tul- achievement of Chelsea Millar on families living there.
lamore, Sports Day, breaking three rec-
Co. Offaly. ords, two of which were of 40
Joshua, years standing.
who is coached by Eddie King, a
former pupil of our school and a
We value
former Great Britain & NI interna-
tional runner, was selected to rep-
our sen-
resent his home Province in the
ior pupils,
Inter-pro championships. This
many of Following on from our numerous
crowned a fabulous season of
whom Mission Trips to an orphanage in
track success for Joshua and we
are out- Moldova, nine students and Mr
look forward to his exploits in the
standing Kelly, this past summer, served on
Senior boys’ category.
role mod- a Camps International Team to
els. I’m Kenya for the month of July. A
Finally, Lewis Steele, Year 9, set pleased test of stamina and of character,
two new school records during to say our they came through with flying col-
Sports day - in the 100m and 200m Years 12, ours, selflessly serving others and
sprints, building on his perfor- 13 & 14 pupils and their invited learning much about themselves
mance at NEBSSA. The weather guests, took over the Galgorm in the process. The team consist-
conditions on the day were ideal Manor, as usual in April for our ed of: Tori McCullough, Amy Wil-
for exceptional performances, not Annual Spring Ball which was sub- son, Sarah Walker, Anna Knox,
least the concluding staff relay sidised for their enjoyment – and Kaleigh Willighan, Christopher
race: always a highlight for us pu- very well-deserved too. McIlroy, Chloe McFall, Megan Cul-
pils! We do hope poor Mr Lock- ly & Emma Heaney. There was
hart remembers to take the baton not make up brush or lip gloss in
from someone in his own team Our commitment to others has sight for all that time (which is
continued to be a strong feature
next year! saying something)! I received a
of school life. Junior pupils have glowing email from the organisers
The Year 8 netball squad had an sponsored Wilner Georges, for to commend our team for their
enjoyable year, if mixed in terms seven years in total, a boy or- commitment and workmanship
of results, while Years 9 & 10 fin- phaned during the Haiti tsunami, and we are very proud of them in
ished creditable runners-up in the with silver collections every week school.
Ballymena league. to pay for his schooling and living 15