Page 10 - Bellfort Magazine Issue 8
P. 10
Just as, whatever the weather, school venues, joined in by satel-
there is always the promise and lite link. Our Peace Pledge is print-
blessing of a harvest, so also in ed on the inside of your pro-
the life of a school, there is re- gramme and focuses on seeking
ward after work. solutions that are lasting and that
come from within. At the ceremo-
ny, our combined orchestras,
It is all too tempting today to la- choirs & dance troop performed a
ment our problems and I expect moving rendition of the emer-
Prize Day venues will reflect that comes possible. It’s true when gence of the peace dove from
fact this year more than ever: the you’re running an education sys- chaos, set to the words and music
lack of leadership in Stormont tem or running a school – and it’s of the song made famous by the
which disregards our immediate true when you’re learning. Military Wives – entitled, ‘Just
educational need on the ground, Sing’.
the dire finances, the endless so-
cial pressures that complicate our Welcome Rev David Latimer,
profession, our Education Authori- known to our school for the past
ty, far from setting our compass, year through his work with Co-
still in a state of development, our operation Ireland. As a school
fears for the very future of educa- which has engaged in the Shared The Peace Pledges which we, and
tion – and the potential to fail Education Programme alongside other schools designed for Inter-
both this, and the next generation St Patrick’s College, and which has national Peace Day were shared
of our children. The problem with joined with all the schools in the and commemorated on a peace
laments or complaints is they Ballymena Learning Together tree. Prince Harry gave royal as-
identify the problem, but fall Partnership, we were thrilled to cent to the project when he pre-
short of the solution. So our be chosen for the finale event at sented schools with their framed
theme on Prize Day must be of Amazing the Space – a remarka- pledges at a special event in Sep-
celebration and of hope, not of ble project which drew together tember past – Georgina Bayliss,
complaint but of resilience: a har- schools from all over Northern who represented our school, was
vest of a year’s hard work, a re- Ireland and beyond, to have their all of a flutter at the Prince’s
ward for a job well done. Enjoy voices for peace and reconcilia- charm. The project in the coming
your moment, and we hope all of tion heard. year, is for schools to demon-
you will remain to chat later at the strate how they live out their
wonderful Afternoon tea pre- peace pledges in the way they live
pared as always by our Home Eco- and work: and again we expect
nomics Department. the voices of our young people to
sound out the message that is of-
It’s true that we have to push
ten so hard for public leaders.
hard to manage improvement,
and it’s also true that our environ-
ment and resources are far from As a busy Minister, Rev Latimer is
ideal. As young people and also passionate about building
adults, we will sometimes fail and strong communities, respecting
have to get back up again! It was Young people were the voices of difference and contributing to a
Sir Winston Churchill who said, today – and of tomorrow, in a shared future. We thank you sin-
‘Success is not final, failure is not province still torn by division and cerely for your encouragement to
fatal! It is the courage to continue mistrust. Some 3,500 pupils came our school in the past year and
that counts’. It is in the constant together under one roof, while an not least, today.
effort that greatest reward be- additional 2,000 across a series of