Page 11 - Bellfort Magazine Issue 8
P. 11

Welcome also special guests, par- and  Mr  McClintock,  joined  ably
         ents,  friends  and  representatives  this  past  September  by  Mrs  Has-

         of local businesses – who encour- tings and Mr McKillop.   We are all
         age us at all times and whose sup- supported  by  an  administrative,
         port we do not take for granted.    ancillary  and  support  staff,  man-
                                             aged  efficiently  by  Mrs  Smith,
         My  thanks  also  to  Mr  Gray,  and                                    At GCSE Level, Year 12 pupils, their
                                             who  are  second  to  none  in  the
         the whole team of Governors, for                                        teachers and parents, can be just-
                                             teamwork  and  commitment  they
         their  support  and  wisdom  in  un-                                    ly  proud  of  their  GCSE  achieve-
                                             show in this college.
         ending  ways,  not  least  in  recent                                   ments  this  summer,  which  were
         years  in  the  plans  for  our  new  As  I  come  to  the  Report  for   the  best  on  record.  75%  of  stu-
         build.                              2016/17 I want to congratulate and   dents  achieved  a  minimum  of  5
                                             celebrate  every  Prize  winner  for
                                                                                 grades  in  the  A  –  C  range,  with
                                             shining  in  the  past  year.    Just  as   almost  50%  achieving  a  minimum
         The  teaching  staff  has  been  very   the  person  who  moves  a  moun-  of 7, and it is especially pleasing to
         patient  in  this  process,  operating   tain, begins by carrying away very   note  this  included  both  English
         with a growing population of chil-  small  stones  –  so  improvement   and Maths.   There were outstand-
         dren  in  a  building  designed  for   begins  in  small  ways  every  day.    ing A – C passes in vocational sub-
         about  200  less.    I  want  to  thank   Therefore,  may  all  those  devel-  jects such Horse Care, Community
         them  for  their  professionalism   oped  in  more  modest  ways,  be   Sport,  BTEC  Sport  ,  Home  Eco-
         and assure them that I value their   inspired  too,  in  the  knowledge   nomics, Agriculture, Construction,
         individual and collective contribu-  that to improve is the greater part   Applied  Business,  Prince’s  Trust,
         tion in making this school special.   of success.                       Media  Studies,  Technology  and
         Our teachers reach out to our pu-
                                                                                 Performing Arts,  but this was also
         pils on a daily basis with the pur-
                                                                                 matched  in  more  traditional  sub-
         pose  of  lifting  them  up  to  all  we  Coming  to  our  Examination  re-
                                                                                 jects  such  as  English  Literature,
         believe  they  can  become.  As  a  sults, we have continued to devel-
                                                                                 Further Maths, Art, Double Award
         staff we are united in that work.  I  op our profile of A Level subjects,
                                                                                 Science, Engineering, English,  Ge-
         trust that every pupil here can say  &  the  number  of  students  study-
                                                                                 ography,  ICT,  Music  and  RE.  Re-
         of  at  least  one teacher:  ‘Because  ing A level.  This year, 91% of the
                                                                                 sults were achieved over a range
         of you, I didn’t give up’.          student  cohort  was  entered  for
                                                                                 of  32  subjects  in  a  full  range  of
                                             three  subjects,  and  in  keeping
                                                                                 general  and  applied  courses
                                             with  previous  years,  there  were
                                             many  outstanding  individual  per-  providing pupils with a wide range
                                                                                 of  options  for  their  future  path-
                                             formances, with 75% of all grades   ways.    Such  success  comes  as  a
                                             being Grade C or better and 91% of
                                                                                 result of hard work on the part of
                                             all grades, Grade D or better.
                                                                                 the pupils, diligence on the part of

                                                                                 teachers, combined with commit-
                                                                                 ment from parents.  Where there
                                             Special congratulations go to the
                                             following  pupils  for  outstanding   is  a  combination  of  belief,  high
                                             individual   performances      and   expectations  and  hard  work,
                                                                                 young  people  have  been  able  to
                                             achieving at least 2 A grades with-
                                             in their profile:  Ryan Chan, Rebec-  exceed the performance of many
                                                                                 of  their  counterparts  in  schools
         I  especially  acknowledge  the  dili-  ca Fowler,
                                                                                 which  select  by  means  of  en-
         gence  and  professionalism  of  my   Chris  Finlay,  Rachel  Thompson,   trance tests, confounding the sys-
         Vice-Principal,  Mr  Oliver  and  the   Rebecca Linton, Lucy McCullough   tem  and  pushing  the  boundaries
         commitment  of  the  Strategic      & Stacy Millar.                     of success.
         Team, Mrs Alexander, Mr McNeilly                                                                            11
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