Page 13 - Prospectus Sept 2025
P. 13

       POST 16

       Courses at Advanced Level are subject to demand.  Subjects that we offer include:

               KEY STAGE 5                                                                 KEY STAGE 5
              YEARS 13 & 14                                                         Y13 - FOUNDATION YEAR

       Art and Design                        History
       CTEC Business Administration          Hospitality                           GCSEs Maths & English
       Biology                                                                     L3 Employability
                                             BTEC Information Technology
       Chemistry                             (Single & Double Award)               Work Placement Programme
       BTEC National Award in Childcare      Life and Health Sciences
       (Single & Double Award)               Mathematics                           This is a bespoke programme and
       Construction                          Moving Image Arts                     is based on individual need.
       Digital Technology                    Music (BTEC)
       Drama                                 Professional Business Services
                                             Religious Studies
       English Literature                    Sport In The Community
       Environmental Technology
                                             Sports’ Studies (BTEC)
       Food and Nutrition                    Technology
       Government & Politics                 Travel & Tourism (BTEC)
       Health and Social Care

       The completion of homework is a very important part of the teaching programme.  Homework is regularly set
       and marked, and forms part of the pupil’s assessment record. Parents are encouraged to discuss homework
       with their children and sign the daily planner.  Failure to complete homework without a valid reason will be
       treated seriously.  Pupils are expected to maintain a revision journal to help them personally manage their
       learning and share their learning at home in a consistent way.  Pupils are also able to opt in to after school
       clubs, coursework clinics, booster classes and extension homework to motivate fast track students.


       All pupils will sign up to Google Classroom where teachers will upload resources such as: media files, pod
       casts, PowerPoints with voiceovers, assignments, quizzes, links to websites and much more.  Pupils use this
       information to support their studies.  The term Blended Learning merges ‘face to face’ teaching and ‘remote
       learning’.  Teachers will choose aspects of pupil work to mark online and other tasks in hardcopy.

                                                     THE SCHOOL DAY

                                                     Pupils follow a 10 day timetable (Week 1 & Week 2).  They
                                                     have  opportunity  for  a    10min  mid-morning  break  and  a
                                                     45min  lunch.  They  can  avail  of  hot  food  from  the  servery
                                                     during Breakfast Club in the morning, at Break and at Lunch.
                                                     There is also a tasty Salad Bar available during lunch where
                                                     pupils  can  order  wraps,  crusty  filled  rolls  and  more!  Pupils
                                                     may also chose to bring a packed lunch.

                                                     Sixth Form Students have access to a Sixth Form Centre and
                                                     study rooms or the common room.  There they can relax and
                                                     chat with friends during a super free or at lunch.

                                                     The school decants in the afternoon at 3.00pm and 3.05pm.
                                                     Occasionally,  some  exams  classes  are  offered  as  twilight
                                                     classes ending at 5pm.

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