Page 8 - Prospectus Sept 2025
P. 8


       Pastoral  care  is  the  vehicle  for  learning  and  its
       quality is a priority for the school. Good  pastoral
       care  grows  out  of  quality  relationship  between
       staff  and      pupils.    To  this  end,  pupils  are
       encouraged  to    approach  any  member  of  staff.
       However, for good organisation, a formal structure

       Each  class  has  a    Registration  Tutor  who  is
       responsible  for  the  initial  pastoral  care  of  the
       pupils in that class.  The  Registration Tutor meets
       with the class every day for roll call and is the first
       point  of  contact  for  support,  advice  or  minor
                                                              Pupils are well motivated, engage actively in learning and have a
       Each year group is the responsibility of a Head of     confident, positive demeanour; they set personal targets, with the
                                                              help of the teachers, which support their learning well and help them
       Year  and    Assistant  Head  of  Year,  with  special        to make progress. They develop very well as articulate, independent
       interest  and  expertise  in  matters  relating  to  the   learners; the senior pupils provide good leadership to younger pupils
       individual  year  group:  for  example,  the  Head  of   through, for example, mentoring support.
       Year  8    will  focus  on  the  Induction  and    Pastoral
       Care of all incoming Year 8  pupils and ensure their
       learning  is  on  track.  Heads  of  Year  will  closely
       monitor                  academic  progress,  welfare  and   The  House  System  encourages  pupils  to  work
       discipline of each child within their year group.        towards  high  standards  in  a    competitive  but
                                                                supportive way.
       Even though we have a pupil community nearing
       900  we    believe  we  are  small  enough  within  our   The School Council enables pupils to have a voice
       class  settings  to  nurture,  encourage  and  care  for   in all that happens to, and for, them in the school
       each pupil whilst on their educational journey.          setting.  Pupils who achieve   outstanding success
                                                                receive  Honours  Awards  at  the  end  of  each  Key
       The  Personal    Development    Programme  is           Stage.
       delivered by a core team with specialist training at
       Key Stages 3, 4 and 5.  Prefects and Peer Mentors        All  matters  of    Pastoral  Care  are  overseen  by
       are  trained  to              support  younger  pupils  and   Pastoral  Directors  for  Junior  and  Senior  school,
       provide  an  important  thread  in  the  pastoral        who  liaise  closely  with  the  Strategic  Leadership
       programme.                                               Team and the Principal.

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