Page 10 - Prospectus Sept 2025
P. 10
All pupils follow a Personal Development Programme, comprised of Citizenship, Personal, Social and Health
Education and Employability. The PSHE programme includes Drugs Education, Health Education and
Relationships and Sexuality Education. This provision exists across all key stages. Pupils at KS4 follow the
Learning for Life and Work, while at AS Level, pupils follow a tailored programme.
Good attendance and punctuality are central to the learning process. For a child to succeed in the school
environment, it is essential that a high level of attendance is maintained. An encouragement and reward
programme exists to promote best attendance and a support programme is in place, in liaison with the
Education Welfare Service, to address any issues of non-attendance. Home visits are made, if necessary,
by Senior Staff or the School Nurse who is also a key member of pastoral care staff. The school target for
attendance is 96%.
The School Nurse is available to pupils throughout the school day. Pupils may only self-refer during their
break or lunch with teaching staff booking an appointment, should a pupil need to attend, during class.
Links Counselling is available to pupils, referrals can by self-informed or in joint discussion with parents.
All pupils have the right to expect that every member of staff, both teaching and non-teaching, will do
whatever is reasonable to safeguard each pupil’s welfare and safety. We aim to provide a secure
environment in which each pupil can learn and develop effectively. The
Designated Safeguarding Officer is supported by several deputies. The School
Nurse is the third member of this team and the Principal oversees the process.
The Principal chairs the Safeguarding Team which comprises the Chair of
Governors, Designated Governor for Safeguarding, the school designated
officers and other members of staff as required. This ensures safeguarding is a
priority of the school, is regularly monitored and that all matters arising are
addressed. Parents and appropriate adults are fully informed as necessary.
Dunclug College takes a serious view of the issue of bullying and does all it
can to ensure that any type of bullying, experienced or displayed, no matter
how small, is addressed. There is a clear anti-bullying policy to which all
parents and pupils are invited to contribute. We aim to identify the
underlying cause of problems that arise and to use strategies which will bring
about lasting change. A bullying concern log is maintained whereby incidents
of alleged pupils are recorded separately from other disciplinary matters—
and carefully monitored through the bullying response team.