Page 5 - Prospectus Sept 2025
P. 5


       The School Development Plan is available from the School Office: it contains an evaluation of the school
       journey to date and planned developments for the next three years, including financial arrangements.  For
       each  section  of  the  School  Development  Plan  there  is  an  accompanying  Action  Plan.    The  college  is
       committed  to  continuous  improvement.    The  School  Calendar  provides  an  overview  of  key  events
       throughout the school year.

                                                  The Ethos Statement
                                               “We are preparing for life”

           We aim to provide a high quality, child-centred education in a caring environment, built upon good
         personal relationships and genuine partnership. Through achievement and the development of mutual
          respect, all pupils are challenged and encouraged to fulfil their potential and become valued citizens.

       In the pursuit of our ethos we specify the following aims:

       (i)  PERSONAL
           • Develop  an  inclusive  environment  where  every  individual  (Students,  Governors,  Staff  and  Parents),
             makes a contribution and feels valued.
           • Develop in students an awareness of their inherent worth and potential for growth.
           • Provide  challenges  for  every  individual  to  achieve  his/her  potential  and  beyond:  academically,
             vocationally and through all forms of enrichment.
           • Provide support to enable all who are potentially vulnerable or marginalised to progress.
           • Encourage students to develop increasing independence and confidence.
           • Encourage development of self-discipline and a sense of personal responsibility.
           • Facilitate the personal development of each staff member.

       (ii) SOCIAL
           • Encourage all members of the school to work in partnership together for the growth, development and
             benefit of all.
           • Develop respect, tolerance and understanding of others.
           • Develop a sense of corporate responsibility in the life of the school.

       (iii) CULTURAL
          •  Work towards, and build, an inclusive culture, where every individual is heard and contributes.
          •  Promote understanding of difference:  value and respect the views of others.

           • Create awareness in students of high moral values.
           • Promote opportunities for spiritual growth as individuals.

       (v) COMMUNITY
           • Ensure the school becomes involved in the life and work of the community through effective links and
             planned involvement.
           • Prepare students to live, work and serve in their community and beyond.

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