Page 27 - Prospectus Sept 2025
P. 27

         During  the  admissions  procedure when  applying the  criteria  punctual  applications  will  be  considered  before late
         applications  are  considered.  The  application  procedure  opens  on  28  January  2025  at  12  noon  (GMT)  and  an
         application  submitted  by  the  closing  date  of  20  February  2025  at  12  noon  (GMT)  will  be  treated  as  a  punctual
         application. An application received after 12 noon (GMT) on 20 February 2025 and up to 4pm on 25 February 2025
         will be treated as a late application.

                  Respective functions of the Board of Governors and Principal in relation to Admissions to the school

         The Board of Governors has drawn up the following Admissions Criteria and the application of the criteria has been
         delegated to the Principal. Digital Online Applications are welcome from pupils of all abilities.

         When considering which children should be selected for admission, the Board of Governors will take into account information
         which is uploaded with the online application.  Parents should ensure therefore that all information pertaining to their child and
         relevant to the school’s admissions criteria is provided.

         The Board of Governors reserves the right to require such supplementary evidence as it may determine necessary to
         support or verify any information on the online Application Form. The provision of false or incorrect information or
         the failure to provide information within the deadlines set by the school can result in the inability of the school to
         offer a place/the withdrawal of a place.

         Criteria will be applied in the order set down below. At each criterion, applications will be processed in order of
         expressed preference for a place at Dunclug College.

         1.   Applicants  who  attend  the  following  primary  schools:  Ballykeel,  Ballymena,  Braidside,  Broughshane,  Buick
              Memorial, Camphill, Carnaghts, Carniny, Carnlough, Clough, Cloughmills, Creavery, Dunclug, Fourtowns, Gracehill,
              Groggan,  Harryville,  Hazelbank,  Kells  &  Connor,  Kirkinriola,  Moorfields,  Portglenone,  Randalstown  Central,
              Rasharkin , Six Mile Integrated, St Brigid’s, St Colmcilles, The Diamond, Tildarg.
         2.   Applicants with a child of the family currently enrolled at the college.

         3.   Applicants who are the eldest child of the family or the first child seeking a place in a school which does not
              select by means of an entrance test, whether or not they sit such tests.
         4.   Applicants for whom Dunclug College is the nearest appropriate Controlled Secondary school as measured by
              the nearest suitable route by road. (Google Maps)
         5.   Older Applicants, established by Date of Birth as entered on a Birth Certificate.

            If applicants are tied at Criterion 5, then priority shall be determined amongst these tied applicants according to the placement of their
           surname in a rank order determined according to the following randomly developed order of letters

                                   H M E T Y K Mac S L Q Z G O A N Mc I X B V F P D W R J U C

           Where applicants have the same surnames beginning with the same initial letter the subsequent letters of the
           surname will be used in alphabetical order. In the event of two identical surnames the alphabetical order of the
           initials of the forenames will be used.

            Where applicants remain tied, then priority will be determined amongst them by a method of random selection.

            Applications for pupils who hold a Statement of Special Educational Needs are considered outside these Admissions Criteria.
           Parental choice will be made following an Annual Review at the Primary School, with the assistance of the EA Special Education

           Online Applications will open  @12 Noon on Tuesday 28 January 2025 and close at @12 Noon on Thursday 20 February 2025.

                                We look forward to welcoming you to our school and wish you well for the future.
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