Page 29 - Bellfort Magazine Issue 8
P. 29

As my time at Dunclug College draws to a close, it is  throughout  my  educational  career.  Ranging  from

         time to reflect on the great memories I have made.  the  teaching  staff  who  were  always  there  to  give
         My  journey  began  in  September  of  2011  when  I  guidance  and  support  when  asked,  to  the  pupils
         moved here from a reasonably small primary school  who took part in the activities that we designed for
         in  Randalstown.  Moving  here  I  didn’t  know  very  them. Special thanks must be extended to the Sen-
         many people and it was a scary and difficult time for  ior Prefect Team who played a huge role in the run-
         me. Looking back, I am thankful for all the teachers  ning and planning of these events.

         who during this time  made the process of transition
                                                               As well as thanking all those who have been there
         easier.                                               for me throughout my time as Head Boy I must also

         A  real highlight for me was being elected as Head    think to the future and extend my congratulations
                                                               to both Jack and Jessica for being elected as Head
         Boy. This was a real privilege and I am very grateful
                                                               Boy  and  Head  Girl  and  the  broader  Senior  Prefect
         for this opportunity. Through this role I have been
                                                               Team.  I  wish  you  all  the  very  best  as  you  take  up
         able to develop as a person and have learned  many
                                                               your role. Relish every moment!
         skills which will be very beneficial going into the fu-
                                                               Aaron Houston
         ture.  For  example,  through  this  role  I  have  devel-
         oped  my  communication  skills,  teamwork  skills,
         leadership skills as well as wide range of other skills
         that I have used throughout completing the various
         tasks that were asked of me. I also was able during

         my time to try different things that perhaps I would-
         n’t have been comfortable with beforehand such as
         public speaking and peer mentoring. Through these
         activities I have learned much about who I am and
         have  developed  qualities  such  as  confidence  and
         reliability which I feel has made me a better person
         as a result.

         As I leave school, my aim is to go into full time work
         and  have  recently  secured  a  great  opportunity  in
         Moy Park, the Randalstown Mill and look forward to
         commencing  my  work  there.  This  job  will  be  chal-
         lenging, however I am confident that I will be able
         to apply many of the skills and qualities that I have
         developed  during  my  time  at  Dunclug  College.

         Again,  I  will  be  faced  with  transition!  However,  I
         think of the words found in the Bible in Philippians
         4v13,  ‘I  can  do  all  things  through  Christ  which
         strengtheneth me.’ This gives me hope as I know I

         can face these challenges and that I won’t have to
         face them alone.

         I wiant to thank all those who have supported me                                                            29
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