Page 28 - Bellfort Magazine Issue 8
P. 28

Over  the  past  school  year,  I  have  been  given  the  the best as we move on together and go our sepa-

         honour  of  being  our  College’s  Head  Girl.  Starting  rate journeys.
         school 7 years ago, I would never have thought that
                                                               I don’t think my time at Dunclug College would have
         one day I would be given such a large role and re-
                                                               been as enjoyable without my teachers – they mod-
         sponsibility within our school. Head Girl has provid-
                                                               elled  persistence  and  determination,  passion  for
         ed me with lifelong skills such as patience, determi-
                                                               their subjects and a listening ear when needed.  Al-
         nation, organisation and kindness that I will be able
                                                               so the pupils in my year, you made each day more
         to take with me into my life after school
                                                               bearable  and  each  deadline  scarier  than  it  already
         Throughout  this  past  year,  I  was  able  to  organise  was.!

         multiple  events  for  Year  14  and  our  College;  the
                                                               I want to thank Dunclug College staff for everything
         Spring  Ball  being  one  that  took  an  excessive
                                                               that they have done for me as a pupil and  a person
         amount  of  planning  and  determination  to  ensure
                                                               over the last 7 years. I hope the  new  school build
         that it was an evening enjoyed by all. I also held mul-
                                                               runs smoothly and the College grows from strength
         tiple  assemblies  and  represented  our  school  to
                                                               to strength—I have no doubt it will. I also want to
         meet  the  Minister  of  Education  as  he  visited  the
                                                               wish Jessica O’Neill and Jack Millar warm wishes of
         school.  As Head Girl, I had the privilege of organis-
                                                               encouragement  and  the  best  of  luck  as  they    em-
         ing several small events for Year 14 throughout the
                                                               bark on their journey as the newly appointed Head
         year.  Now  that  we  have  held  our  leavers  meal  I
                                                               Boy and Girl of Dunclug College.
         would like to take this opportunity to wish them all
                                                               Kirsten Collins

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