Page 3 - Bellfort Magazine 2024
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Life isn’t a matter of milestones, but of moments. Moments become a part of
daily life… some are exciting… some are challenging… and some are
momentous! The best thing about moments are that they form part of our
history and contribute to our future.
Highlights of the School Year include, ‘Journalist Judith Hill as our guest speaker at Prize Giving’, our
excellent production of ‘Chitty Chitty Bang Bang’, our ‘House Colours Day’, regular ‘Sporting
Achievements’ both in football and rugby with the Dunclug Supporters travelling to the Kingspan
Stadium to cheer on our First XV rugby team, pupils travelling to ‘Barcelona to visit the cosmopolitan
capital of Spain’s Catalonia region, which is known for its art and architecture.’, a trip to
‘Madagascar’ at the Belfast Opera House, ‘Shared Education Visits’, the ‘Many Enrichments and
Competitions’ not forgetting the life skills developed through the ‘Duke of Edinburgh Expeditions’, the
‘Successful Sports Day’ and an excellent end of year ‘Exam Series’! Pupils were focused, their purpose
was exam centred with the view to achieving their best. As my staff, I thank you all for your continued
dedication in preparing pupils for these significant achievements and examination milestones.
I enjoyed the opportunity to speak with Year Groups weekly/fortnightly, face-to-face in assembly, I’m sure
my staff feel the same where we implemented the ‘Take 5 Steps to Well-Being’, promoting the attributes
of ‘Connecting, Being Active, Taking Notice, Keep Learning and Giving’, which underpinned further our
values of Positivity, Respect, Aiming High, and Kindness.
I now look forward to September 2024, as we return to this regular aspect of school life to support our
vision, ethos and culture, whilst sharing in pupil success and celebration. Key staff will be driving forward
one of our priorities, ‘Being Well, Doing Well’. A programme developed to support a Whole School
Approach to Emotional Health and Wellbeing with the end goal of improving the emotional health &
wellbeing outcomes of the whole school community.
For those who leave us, it is my prayer that you achieve every success, reach those goals, be happy and
content in your future and live a life that brings enjoyment to others. I will watch your onward journey
with interest and pride.
Enjoy the content within ISSUE 13 of the BELLFORT MAGAZINE and a massive thankyou to all who have
contributed including our pupils, parents, staff, community, local business, and friends.
Together, let’s look forward to September 2024…
God Bless!
N Oliver
A special mention to our key sponsor CIGA Healthcare home of ‘SURESIGN’ self-tests, founded in
Ballymena, recognised as an industry leader in self-diagnostic solutions.